Monday, September 26, 2011

Summer's Over

Ok girls -- summer's over. It's back to routine. What are the new goals and challenges to our continued weight loss and toning this fall??

For me - I have joined Fit Camp at work -- 2 days a week I'll work out with a trainer. I started last Thursday and was soooo sore on both Friday and Saturday -- so that's a good sign, I guess. Only getting to spin one day a week and running is down to 2 days/week due to schedule. Put on the plus side, I don't have time to eat either. (wait, how is that a plus??)

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Hi Guys: I wanted to check in now that you are both in new locales. How's the weight loss coming with the new routines and no gyms??

I'm starting to notice a bit of difference in my pants -- in a good way. Still doing lots of cardio and not so much weight training and I know I have to switch it up. My 5k times are getting better so that's good and my fav run -- the weekly one through Colt Park starts June 29.

Let's keep it going!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Emily's Send Off

So, Emily is off to Germany tomorrow. Yey for her. Boo for me. Emily has done so well with her weight loss so far -- needing new clothes is always exciting. So . . . make sure you create a new routine when you get to Europe. I want to hear all about it by June 10!

As for me, I'm really hitting the spinning, running a 5k each weekend and doing my yoga every Fri morning. So, I'm definitely seeing some results but my pants are all still tight! I bought a Groupon last week for a 4 week Crossfit class -- basically a boot camp class -- I can do 3 week for 1 month. I am planning on starting next Tues and doing Tues/Thur/Sat through June. It cost me $62 but I think it will be worth it -- it's the confusion of muscles and weight lifting that really works for me.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Goal Check In

Lindsay: Your goal was to lose 5 pounds by May 13th. How'd you do? What's your next goal??

For me, I'm still very inconsistent. I ran a 5k on Sunday and then didn't work out all week until my yoga class on Friday and boy was that class tough. It really opened my eyes to the fact that it's all related -- Spinning makes me a better yogi and yoga makes me a better runner. Etc. Time to keep training and hit the gym every day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Here's to Hitting the Gym

Yes, working out is fun! (well sometimes) Glad you both are consistently seeing weight loss and are feeling better! I'm not really seeing any results from all my spinning and running. I know I need to start lifting weights again -- that's really the best way to get metabolism up and running.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Off the wagon

Hi Guys: So the last week I ate whatever I wanted (usually cookies and donuts) and didn't exercise near enough. I know it started with the stress of the move and having Rockwell come and help. And then when he did what he always does which is visit, have a great time and not make a move on me -- I really lost it. The beginning of this week was not good. I actually weighed myself at his house (114 -- I'd like to be 110) on Sunday but then came back to RI, skipped spinning on Monday and ate and ate. He says it's not me, it's him but it feels like me so then I eat and mope around.

By Wed I was back on the wagon -- went to spinning yesterday and am eating better now. Back to trying to stay in the 1600 calorie range per day. I didn't get to run today which I REALLY wanted to do but I forgot a jacket and it's cold and rainy out there. I am off to my old apt to finish cleaning and do a walk thru with my old landlord -- if it's still light out, maybe I'll try to run after. If not, I will burn some calories mopping all the floors, that's for sure. But I'm signed up for a 5k on Sat and I haven't run in 2 weeks. UGH. The good news is that my eating craze wasn't all emotional -- I got my period last night -- it was like an AHA moment --that's why all I've wanted is chocolate. Phew! I'm not totally bonkers -- it came a bit early as this is a 5 week month that's why I wasn't thinking about it. But it's a reminder that being chicks, sometimes there are a whole host of reasons for why we crave things.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Hi All: So, I blew off my Friday workouts -- both yoga and spinning and stayed in bed instead. I've been soooo tired -- getting to bed at 1:30am all week due to tech really did me in. And I haven't been eating that great either --nothing awful -- just not on top of my game. I will do a run tomorrow (Sun) morning. I think 5 miles which I'm not ready for as I only ran 2.5 this week but we'll see how it goes . . . . I was going to do the 5k option but JB is coming with and she's up to 10 miles so we're gonna shoot for the 5 miler. Next week is a new week and I'll be better -- esp with the move coming up -- going to get my exercise in and eat right and see what happens on Saturday with the 10k race, the move and Rockwell. AHHHHH